We have a problem....  

Monday, January 14, 2008

And by we, I mean other people.

One thing I do not understand is the fascination with Dr. Phil.

Oprah- Ok, I get it (or as Oprah would say "I geeeet it peeeeeeeoplllllle!!!!! I GET IT!!!!!!!!)
But Dr. Fucking Phil! He is the one I do not understand. His advice sucks! The advice he dishes out is either mundane that even a child would know, irresponsible beyond belief, or peppered with so much dumb ass souther cliches it makes you want to sneeze.

First of all, where does he get off selling "weight lose" products and always calling himself a joke.

I'm sorry - What bald guy, fat ass team are you on? Because I would like to play them so I can finally win at something.

I never watched this episode specifically, because watching him makes me want to poke eyes out, but I have heard alot about it. Apparently this episode (which aired a few months ago) featured a middle aged man with two teenagers from a previous marriage. He has his tubes tide. New relationship doesn't care- they get married. All of a sudden, she is struck with baby rabies and must have one. The man is adamant. NO means NO.

What does Dr. Phil do? He agrees with the woman like the fool he is.
"Don't you want to make her happy? This will make her happy." But it will make him miserable.

One miserable person in a relationship will soon equal no relationship. What about him? Doesn't his happiness mean anything? As far as I can tell, he is the only one who really knows what happens when you have kids, and it obviously leads to self-sterilization.

OK, OK. I know what you are saying: This was a long time ago and things change.

No, actually they get worse.

As much as I hate the Britney Spears coverage, the one thing I am happy about is that it exposed Dr. Phil for who he is: an opportunistic, egotistical self righteous nut job who will not shut up.

The Psychology Board of California is now investigating him. FINALLY!!! WHAT TOOK SO LONG!!!

I did not know this, but he has not had a license to practice in nearly 2 years. AND PEOPLE WILL GO ON HIS SHOW! They are just as nuts as he is

TMZ is reporting that a complaint has been filed against Dr. Phil with the California Board of Psychology.

The complaint reportedly accuses Dr. Phil McGraw of practicing without a license when he visited Britney Spears at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after her meltdown earlier this month.

According to a complaint, Dr. Phil is also accused of violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The complaint alleges Dr. Phil practiced clinical psychology without a license and further violated doctor-patient privilege by discussing the pop star's case with the media.

Dr. Phil has never been licensed to practice in California, and he is no longer licensed in his home state of Texas.

McGraw failed to complete the conditions imposed as disciplinary sanctions by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists in 1989.

A former therapy client had filed a complaint against him, claiming their relationship was inappropriate.

McGraw later admitted giving her a job but denied touching her.

Soon after he was officially reprimanded, McGraw closed his private practice.

And they buy his book why?

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1 comments: to “ We have a problem....

  • Anonymous
    February 4, 2009 at 4:37 PM  

    You have a good blog.

    I listen to www.RadioLiberty.com (Dr. Stanley Monteith) and read the www.TheTrumpet.com (Gerald Flurry is Pastor General). These are the most important medias for me.

    Phil McGraw is a joke. I'm sure he works for the New World Order.
    I'm a Canadian of French descent.
    Phil McGraw tried to bully his ex-wife and Larry McCarthy (Army Lt. Col.).



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